5 Keys to Preparing for a Smooth Kitchen Renovation Project


Lets face it, living through a kitchen remodel can be challenging. Whether it’s a quick makeover or a grand kitchen remodel, you need to prepare for it in advance to survive without losing your mind. So, how does one prepare for a kitchen renovation?

Here are eight tips on how to prepare for a kitchen remodel.

Plan, Plan, and Plan

If you want to speed up your renovation project, you need to have a thoroughly mapped out plan in place before construction starts. Plan out your kitchen’s remodel down to the last detail so when the project gets started, you’ll have fewer decisions to be made and less opportuntity to get flustered.  From fixtures and appliances to kitchen design and layout, work out all the details in depth so that when the project begins, everything goes as smoothly and timely as possible.

When planning your kitchen renovation it is always good to have a trusted contractor by your side to guide you through the process and give you help you understand timelines for the project.

Set up a Temporary Kitchen and Eating Area

You gotta eat…right? Consider where you’ll want to set up a makeshift kitchen somewhere else in the house. Some families move some appliances, like the refrigerator and microwave and even install a small  cooktop to do essential cooking. Others plan on doing a LOT of take out! Though that’s not realistic for most families, so having lots of paper plates and plastic utensils on hand or a plan on how you’re going to handle the dishes will put your mind at ease.

Some families find the week that their house is undergoing a kitchen renovation the best time to head to the cottage or take a trip. If you have a trusted kitchen contractor handling the job, cell phones can usually suffice for handling mid project questions or concerns, getting pictures about or having conversations around, your kitchen renovation.

Be Ready for Dust and Noise

There is no getting around it, construction work in the house means exposure to dust and noise. Be prepared. Seriously! Take some time to think about how your life will change for the small chunk of time the renovation and get mentally prepared for the mess. When you are home, be prepared to encounter grime and ruckus. And if you are a bit of a clean-freak… consider an intentional shift to your expectations and remember that it’s all temporary and that a beautiful kitchen awaits you at the end!


Be Ready to see no Progress some Days

To the pont above, every project, as well timed and planned as possible, can be subject to delays and unforeseen circumstances popping up. Though most projects go really smoothly, try not to get too worked up over a delay  or what looks to be a lack of progress.

Don’t Fret over Minor Details but Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Keep the big picture of what you’ll have in the end, in mind. Try not to nitpick over small things that happen in the course of the kitchen remodel. Reputable crews and contractors know what they are aiming for in the end and the best way to accomplish it. That said, by all means inquire about your project with your conractor if you feel anything is out of scope of what is discussed or you feel the crew needs corerection, but trust the team you have hired to do the job


Kitchen renovations can bring beautioful disruption to routines and everyday life. But if you prepare for the project, be patient and trust the process and the team that you’ve hired, you can survive a kitchen remodel without any unnecessary hassle.

Thinking of a kitchen renovation? Reach out to us.  We have more than 30 years of experience transforming kitchens on any budget as Winnipeg West’s local kitchen renovation company. Call us or visit our showroom. We’d love to meet you!



How to Get Your Kitchen Renovation Done on a Budget